Completed -
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Mar 16, 06:15 UTC
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Mar 16, 06:00 UTC
Update -
The US VX and ID endpoints may experience a brief outage (less than 5 minutes) during the following two periods:
2025-03-15 06:00-06:15 UTC
2025-03-16 06:00-06:15 UTC
The EU VX and ID endpoints may experience a brief outage (less than 5 minutes) during the following two periods:
2025-03-15 02:00-02:15 UTC
2025-03-16 02:00-02:15 UTC
Mar 13, 10:30 UTC
Scheduled -
We are performing a database migration to a newer minor version. To implement these improvements, there will be brief downtimes (increased error rates on some VX and ID API calls) on the US environment.
Feb 14, 13:27 UTC